
Government of Jamaica


Government of Jamaica

Administrative Assistant

MOFPS - Legal Services Unit (LSU)
(GMG/AM 4) in the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, Legal Services Unit (LSU), salary range $1,410,802 - $1,677,000 per annum and any allowance(s) attached to the post.
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Administrative Assistant (GMG/AM 4)

Job Purpose

Under the general supervision of the Senior Assistant Attorney-General, the Administrative Assistant provides administrative support, paralegal and secretarial services that enhance the Senior Assistant AG’s Office and the operations of the Legal Service Unit (LSU) in general. The Administrative Assistant coordinates the activities of the Office, organizes meetings, and manages/monitors the Senior Assistant AG’s calendar, drafts reports and other documentation; serves as liaison between the LSU and the AGC-HQ; undertakes research on routine legal matters and drafts Briefs; ensures a proper Records Management System is maintained and access to online law research facility is available to allow for the efficient operation of the LSU and the timely delivery of service to the Ministry its Departments and Agencies.

Key Responsibilities
  • Manages the calendar of schedules and appointments on behalf of the Senior Assistant AG;
  • Prepares audio visual presentations as appropriate; prepares Briefs, background information and/or supporting documents for scheduled appointments, meetings, speaking engagements, conferences, interviews as appropriate/directed;
  • Reviews, collates and edits reports for submission to the Senior Assistant AG and other stakeholders as directed;
  • Composes and prepares correspondence, memoranda, agenda and other documents that are oftentimes confidential;
  • Produces and distributes action sheets, notes/Minutes of meetings; follows up on actions to be taken;
  • Co-ordinates all activities related to the preparation of the LSU’s Budget, Corporate and Operational Plans, Individual Work Plans, Performance Appraisal Reports, leave schedules and training needs analysis to ensure submission within stipulated deadlines;
  • Co-ordinates the preparation and timely advancement of Cabinet Submission; tracks the processing of these submissions;
  • Ensures Cabinet decisions are received and actioned as directed/appropriate;
  • Communicates directly on behalf of the Senior Assistant AG to LSU staff, AGC-HQ staff, external clients/customers stakeholders and others, on matters related to the Senior Assistant AG’s Office;
  • Functions as a liaison for smooth communication between the Senior Assistant AG’s and the responsible Deputy Solicitor General, internal Divisions of the Ministry in a manner that serves to maintain credibility, trust and support;
  • Ensures visitors and incoming calls to the Senior Assistant AG’s Office are received and screened; information or access is provided; referrals to appropriate staff effected; and/or other action are taken as deemed appropriate;
  • Works closely with the Senior Assistant AG to keep him/her well informed of upcoming commitments and schedules and follow-up as appropriate;
  • Processes all correspondence addressed to the Senior Assistant AG; and routes correspondence and documents as appropriate to allow for the efficient operation of the LSU;
  • Conducts on-line and off-line research on routine matters at the request of the Senior Assistant AG;
  • Co-ordinates the receipt, distribution and dispatch of files and correspondence within the LSU to ensure that matters are settled in accordance with service standards;
  • Ensures confidential Files and Records Management Systems, electronic and hard copy, are established and maintained in accordance with established policies and generally accepted professional standards;
  • Maintains and updates databases, consults with Information Systems Personnel regarding programming problems and/or data integrity and makes recommendations for system enhancement;
  • Demonstrates professionalism, credibility and integrity in the performance of functions to enhance and maintain a positive and credible image of the office;
  • Maintains knowledge of the LSU’s operations, working knowledge of the policies, procedures practices and protocols to be able to respond appropriately to enquiries, requests or issues.
  • Assists in the preparation of legal documents, under the guidance of the Senior Assistant AG;
  • Conducts research into legislation and other sources of law as directed;
  • Researches and gathers data inclusive of statutes, legal articles, and relevant documents;
  • Prepares reports of analysis of research findings;
  • Assists in organising meetings to review and discuss legal documents;
  • Assists in collating documents/bundles in preparation for legal hearings and consultations;
  • Keeps and monitors law volumes to ensure that law library is up-to-date and volumes updated/annotated;
  • Liaises on an on-going basis with key stakeholders i.e. attorneys and other parties in facilitating review or development of legal documents;
  • Maintains the AGC’s files and records in a confidential, secure and reliable manner in accordance with established records management principles to ensure expeditious retrieval of files.
Required Knowledge, Skills and Competencies
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite and other programme applications appropriate to assigned responsibilities
  • Solid dictation and transcribing skills
  • General knowledge in budget cash flow preparation
  • Knowledge of office management and administrative procedures and practices
  • Knowledge of the principles and practices of public administration
  • Knowledge of research and statistical methods and techniques
  • Ability to compose correspondence and reports
  • Good Knowledge of drafting legal documents
  • Working knowledge of GOJ operations and of public sector issues.
Minimum Required Qualification and Experience
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Administrative Management or Business Administration or related Social Science;
  • Paralegal qualification or training;
  • Minimum three (3) years’ experience in a related field.

Applications accompanied by résumés should be submitted no later than Wednesday,
11th August 2021 to:

Director, Human Resource Management and Administration
Attorney General’s Chambers
2 Oxford Road (NCB Towers) (First Floor)
Kingston 5
Email: hrm@agc.gov.jm

Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

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