
Government of Jamaica


Government of Jamaica

Public Financial Management

Public Financial Management Reform remains a critical pillar of the GOJ’s transformation agenda. The strengthening of the PFM Systems has helped to solidify fiscal discipline and enhance fiscal projections, planning and operations, all of which are supporting improvements in the provision of public goods.

The GOJ in recent years has undertaken profound actions to institutionalise key PFM enhancements including:

  1. Bolstered the Fiscal Responsibility Framework with stronger Fiscal Rules;

  2. Restructured the Accountant General’s Department and prioritizing its continued
    transformation into a modern treasury;

  3. Operationalized key ICT infrastructure for revenue management (RAiS and
    ASCYCUDA World);

  4. Reorganized the debt management function in the Ministry of Finance in line with international norm;

  5. Implemented a Public Investment Management System (PIMS);

  6. Implemented critical upgrades to the Central Treasury Management System and;

  7. Strengthened Parliamentary oversight of the country’s budget.


PFM Reform in Jamaica: Updating the PFM Reform Action Plan

Public Expenditure and Financial Acocuntability (PEFA) Report 2016

Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Centre

The Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Centre (CARTAC) is one of ten IMF Regional Technical Assistance Centers (RTACs), created to help countries strengthen human and institutional capacity to design and implement sound macroeconomic policies that promote growth and reduce poverty.

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