The Public Investment Appraisal Branch (formerly the Public Investment Management Secretariat – PIMSEC), is a branch of the Public Expenditure Division (PEX). It supports the Public Investment Management System (PIMS) by providing technical support and advice to the Public Investment Management Committee (PIMC), thereby facilitating effective pre-investment decision-making.
To provide concept/proposal development support and technical assistance to project proponents, facilitating the smooth progression of projects through the pre-investment appraisal/approval process.
To thoroughly appraise public investment projects, providing timely and objective data in support of pre-investment decisions.
To provide technical guidance and strategic support to the PIMC.
To assist in mitigating against project implementation failures and other risks.
To ensure a capacity development program is in place for upskilling stakeholders involved in the PIMS process, particularly through project management training and certification.
To ensure relevant regulatory documents are in place, such as the Public Investment Management Guidelines, which guide stakeholders in their interaction with the PIMS.
The work of the PIAB directly supports the following initiatives:
Establishment and continuous improvement of the Public Investment Management Guidelines.
Creation of a Public Investment Management Information System (PIMIS).
Establishment and continuous improvement of a Quality Management System (QMS) for the appraisal and approval of public investment projects.
Established in March 2014, PIMS aims to streamline the preparation, appraisal, approval and management of all projects in Jamaica.
Public Investment Appraisal Branch
Public Expenditure Division
Ministry of Finance & the Public Service
℅ Development Bank of Jamaica
11a-15 Oxford Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica
+1 (876) 960-9110
For further information please visit
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